Sunday, August 24, 2008

Gaby goes to Chicago!

Gabriella got to meet Bella! Chicago was so much fun. We celebrated Sabrina's and Sean's birthdays. We also got to walk around the city. Gaby is getting lots of skymiles.

Gaby at 5 months

Gaby is getting so aware of things. She is rolling over now, laughing and playing with her toys.
She is a fun baby!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Gaby's new slippers!

Cancun Trip

We had a great time! Gaby went swimming, walking and shopping. The hotel had the best pool ever. It was so relaxing. The plane's pilot signed a certificate for Gaby! Gabriella has lots of airplane experience already at 4 months!

Friday, August 8, 2008


Gaby loves to go swimming. Gabriella also enjoys her swing at grandma's house. She is becoming so aware of her environment!